Wednesday, 14 March 2007


Hi People

I've been searching for the monopolies commission,but they have changed their name to the Competition Commission, here then are copies of a couple of emails I have received regarding my complaint that the Licence Fee is a Monopoly that a great many of us in the uk would like ended. Its nothing more than a protection Racket that the Mafia would have been proud of.

Here then are the emails most resent first going to the original email I sent to the Competition Commission

Hi Sabine
Thanks for the reply, I really wonder if the cometition commission know what they are doing referring me to you if this issue of the legality of the licence fee is not something that is in your remit.
If anything can be described as a monopoly then surely its the BBC licence fee, as you have to pay that in order to watch other free channels created by self financing companies.

From: "Sabine Hurst"
To: "david gabriel"
Subject: RE: RE: the BBC License fee (ref: 1-12410130)Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2007 10:34:53

Dear Mr Gabriel

Thank you for contacting Ofcom about TV Licensing.

Ofcom regulates BBC services in relation to individual complaints of unfairness and unwarranted infringement of privacy in programmes, and also in relation to material that may be thought to give rise to harm or offence. However, under the terms of the Communications Act 2003 we play no part in determining the level of the licence fee or how it is spent. If you have not done so already, complaints about the level, expenditure and administration of the TV licence should be referred to the BBC and Capita at the following address:

PO Box 1922, Glasgow, G2 3WT
Tel: 08700 100 222 E-mail:

TV Licensing
Bristol, BS98 1TL
Tel: 0870 241 6468 E-mail: Web:

If, in the future, Ofcom is required to involve itself in any aspect of the BBC other than that stated above, it will be at the behest of the Department for Culture Media and Sport. Therefore, you may wish to register any concerns about regulation of the BBC with your MP or the DCMS at the following address:

Department for Culture Media & Sport
2-4 Cockspur Street, London, SW1Y 5DH
Tel: 020 7211 6200 E-mail:

We appreciate the trouble that you have taken to raise this matter with us. It is important for us to know what the audience thinks.

Yours sincerely,

Broadcast Support Team

:: Broadcast Team
Central Operations
Tel: 020 7981 3040
Fax: 020 7981 3334

:: Ofcom
Riverside House
2a Southwark Bridge Road
London SE1 9HA
020 7981 3000

From: david gabriel Sent: 09 March 2007 3:59 PMTo: Ofcom Contact Centre
Subject: FW: RE: the BBC License fee

HI there

I have received the following email from the competition commission and as requested I am forwarding it to you for your consideration.
All the Best David.

From: "info" To: "david gabriel"
Subject: RE: the BBC License fee Date: Tue, 6 Mar 2007 11:19:40 -0000

Dear Mr Gabriel,

Thank you for your email about the BBC License fee. While appreciating the situation described in your email, the Competition Commission cannot initiate investigations or comment on a report once published. At present we are only permitted to inquire into a matter after a formal reference from the appropriate authority. In this instance, a referral would have to be made have to be made by The Office of Communications (020 7981 3040 or


Steve Coleman
Information Centre
From: david gabriel Sent: 05 March 2007 17:10

Subject: the BBC License fee

Hi There

I would like to forward you some details of my blogsite where questions are raised about the BBC License fee and its legality when consumers are stopped from viewing other products like independant channels, video or dvd's etc, and why have government never made it manditory for TV manufactureres to produce TV's that do block the BBC signal?

go to and have a browse.

I hope to hear from you soon.
All the Best David.

Well there you go people the run around as per usual I wonder if anyone will provide the right information of who to contact with this complaint so that the Government ammend the Law that allows this current monopoly to flourish. You can see via these blogs that the BBC aren't about providing unbiased news coverage thats for sure. That subverted that right a long time ago.

So are you going to copy paste this and send it to your MP or your AM and say 'what's going on with these organisations??' or that you would like the BBC's monopoly to end, and maybe we will nolonger have mums being put in prison for 4 days, when they have private landlord agreements that say the landlord is responsible for the payment of the fee????????????????????

Love n Light People